Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How do you prepare for an experience with Vaughantown?

As I shared, I've been receiving newsletters with "what to expect" from the Vaughantown staff.  Each is unique, and focuses on different aspects of the experience.  I just received newsletter #4 this morning and found it interesting, and thought you might enjoy reading it, too.  I particularly noticed the part about playing Spanish Trivial Pursuit with the Spaniards in our class!  Oh-oh.  I have some serious studying to do - I can be a bit competitive myself, and I don't want to fall down flat with no answers!  Good thing the newsletter provides links to study Spanish history. 

A few weeks ago, quite by accident, I found a woman named Christine in the UK, who had participated in Vaughantown on four previous occasions.  We held a Skype conversation a few days ago and she shared some fun stories about her experiences in Rascafria.  But it was when she advised me to "begin preparing my skits for the evening entertainment hour", that I had a brief moment of doubt about my decision to go.  My skits??  I have no talent!  What was I supposed to do?   Tom looked at me like I had lost my mind when I shared this new information and for a moment, I was afraid he was going to say "no way! We're not going".  But then he shrugged, grinned and said, "Sure, why not?  This will be fun!"  I had to laugh.  What a sport!  And now, I need to get back to planning my skits....  any suggestions, anyone????

Vaughantown Newletter #4

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How did you learn about Vaughantown?

That's a question that I've been asked numerous times since announcing that Tom and I are heading to Spain in May and participating in a Vaughantown English class the first week we are there.  Well, here's how it happened.

I'm always interested in travel and last July, I attended a special interests class at my local college.  The class was about "Travel Careers", and creating your own future in travel.  Yes, I have a great job and a great career, but I'll admit, travel has always been my first love.  So, I signed up for the class, purchased a Subway sandwich for my lunch, and arrived in the classroom, eagerly waiting to learn how I could start a new career, or at the very least, supplement the one I have (like I don't have enough on my plate!!).

The class was actually quite informative but one thing that stood out to me was the instructor's introduction of "free travel in Spain".  Now, with the words "free" and "Spain" in the same sentence, how does one not pay attention?  The instructor explained the Vaughantown program and it intrigued me - visit Spain, spend a week with international Spanish business people and practice English with them all day long.  All expenses paid.  Hmmmm........ of course I was interested and as soon as I got home,  I convinced Tom to apply with me, and we were both accepted to the May 2013 class!

So, in three weeks, we depart for Madrid.  I'll keep you posted on how this goes!  We've received several "what to expect" letters and I'm really looking forward to this experience.  We are staying in a hotel that was, at one time, a monastery, in the mountain town of Rascafria.  To my understanding, the monastery is still there and monks live and work on the hotel grounds.  I am so intrigued and excited by this opportunity.  Clearly, I'm planning another chapter in Extraordinary Travels on an Ordinary Couple, book 2!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A visit to Spain

We leave for Madrid, Spain on May 8 - a month away!  Somehow, I managed to talk Tom into joining me on a trip that is half sight seeing, half volunteer work, but undoubtedly, all FUN!  We're going to volunteer with a group called Vaughantown the first week, staying in the mountain village of Rascafria, and teaching English to Spanish Business people!  I can't wait - I've heard so many good things about this program, and when Tom and I applied last August, we were accepted.  I will be sending updates to this blog and my Facebook page as we work - it's going to be fun, new friends shall be made, and most certainly, I'll gather the content for a new chapter in a second book of "Extraordinary Travels of an Ordinary Couple"!!! 

Has anyone been to Spain?  Have you ever participated in a program like Vaughantown?  Let me know if you have, I'm open to your ideas and thoughts!  In the meantime, I'm planning the itinerary, reading through the contents of my Spain travel guides, and scrambling to put it all together!  How time flies when we are having fun.
