How do you prepare for an experience with Vaughantown?
As I shared, I've been receiving newsletters with "what to expect" from the Vaughantown staff. Each is unique, and focuses on different aspects of the experience. I just received newsletter #4 this morning and found it interesting, and thought you might enjoy reading it, too. I particularly noticed the part about playing Spanish Trivial Pursuit with the Spaniards in our class! Oh-oh. I have some serious studying to do - I can be a bit competitive myself, and I don't want to fall down flat with no answers! Good thing the newsletter provides links to study Spanish history.
A few weeks ago, quite by accident, I found a woman named Christine in the UK, who had participated in Vaughantown on four previous occasions. We held a Skype conversation a few days ago and she shared some fun stories about her experiences in Rascafria. But it was when she advised me to "begin preparing my skits for the evening entertainment hour", that I had a brief moment of doubt about my decision to go. My skits?? I have no talent! What was I supposed to do? Tom looked at me like I had lost my mind when I shared this new information and for a moment, I was afraid he was going to say "no way! We're not going". But then he shrugged, grinned and said, "Sure, why not? This will be fun!" I had to laugh. What a sport! And now, I need to get back to planning my skits.... any suggestions, anyone????
Vaughantown Newletter #4
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